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We are Gilbert

Gilbert is developing the next generation of soft mist inhalers based on our proprietary electrospray technology to improve treatment for patients with difficult to treat lung conditions.

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Who we are

Gilbert is an emerging player in the field of respiratory medical devices, developing a breakthrough solution for more precise pulmonary administration of advanced pharmaceutical compounds.

What we do

Gilbert partners with pharma and biotech companies to optimize the delivery of their next generation of inhaled treatments using our proprietary electrospray technology.

Mask group (7)

Lung disease is still the 3rd leading cause of death in the world;
better treatments are needed

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What others say about Gilbert

Richard Dekhuijzen

Prof. P.N.Richard Dekhuijzen
EM. Professor of Pulmonology,
University Lung Center Nijmegen,
Expert Board ADMIT

Quote 1

EHDA technology has the potential to offer unique benefits to patients for aerosolization and medication targeting of advanced molecular entities for respiratory diseases and for pulmonary administration of molecules for other indication areas.

Wim Vos

Wim Vos
MSc, PhD,
Chief Executive Officer RADIOMICS

Quote 1

Gilbert’s EHDA technology is one of the most promising innovations in device inhalation technology, offering substantial advantages to patients compared to current commercial available inhalation technology solutions.


Electro Hydrodynamic Atomization (EHDA) holds the promise for better treatments

At Gilbert we are developing a next-generation soft mist inhaler with a revolutionary new approach. The inhaler uses Gilbert’s proprietary electrospray technology based on EHDA, a technology which uses electronic fields to atomize liquids into monodispersed droplets.

Redefining treatment for lung patients.

Want to know more?